The “comprehensive” dataset of all MIDI CCs and NRPNs. Currently contains 60 manufacturers and 184 devices.
Built by 19 community members 💫
The goal of this dataset is to document the MIDI CC and NRPN implementation of every device. Anyone can contribute their favorite synth to this dataset, and anyone can use this dataset.
Synthesizers (and other MIDI-compatible instruments) accept 'Control Change' messages. These CC messages change the device's performance and patch parameters. You might use them to control your synth's filter cutoff point, amplification envelope parameters, and more. The implementation of MIDI CC messages (and their higher-resolution brethren, NRPNs) varies widely across manufacturers and even devices made by the same manufacturers.
Use the list of devices below to navigate. Each one has a table of all the CC and NRPNs we could find for it. You can also download the CSV spreadsheet for each device from its page.
Check us out on GitHub. Each manufacturer has its own folder, and each device has its own CSV file (a spreadsheet). Pull requests, issues, and comments welcome!
You can also download any of the spreadsheets, make changes, and email them to us - we'll take care of posting your changes. Each device's page has a 'download' button that will give you the raw spreadsheet. Send your updates to
We're Pencil Research, an app development company. We're working on a performance MIDI controller for iPad that's powered by this MIDI & NRPN library.
The portions of this library that refer to specific devices may be owned by the devices' respective manufacturers. Everything else is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.