Roland JU-06A MIDI CCs & NRPNs

MIDI implementation details for the Roland JU-06A

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Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
DCO Range 12 0 127 0-based
DCO LFO Depth 13 0 127 0-based
DCO PWM 14 0 127 0-based
DCO LFO Target 15 0 127 0-based
DCO SQR Switch 16 0 127 0-based
DCO SAW Switch 17 0 127 0-based
DCO SUB Switch 28 0 127 0-based
DCO SUB LVL 18 0 127 0-based
DCO NSE LVL 19 0 127 0-based
HPF Freq 20 0 127 0-based
VCF ENV Polarity 21 0 127 0-based
VCF ENV Depth 22 0 127 0-based
VCF LFO 23 0 127 0-based
VCF Keytrack 24 0 127 0-based
VCA ENV 25 0 127 0-based
VCA LVL 26 0 127 0-based
LFO Wave 29 0 127 0-based
LFO Trig 30 0 127 0-based
LFO Rate 3 0 127 0-based
LFO Delay 9 0 127 0-based
ENV ATK 73 0 127 0-based
ENV DEC 75 0 127 0-based
ENV SUS 27 0 127 0-based
ENV REL 72 0 127 0-based
VCF FRQ 74 0 127 0-based
VCF RES 71 0 127 0-based
DLY Time 82 0 127 0-based
DLY Fdbk 83 0 127 0-based
DLY SW 89 0 127 0-based
DLY LVL 91 0 127 0-based
Chorus Type 93 0 127 0-based
Poly Mono Unison 86 0 127 0-based
Modwheel 1 0 127 0-based
Expr PDL 11 0 127 0-based
Sustain 64 0 127 0-based
Portamento 65 0 127 0-based
Portamento Time 5 0 127 0-based
Bend Range 87 0 127 0-based
Clck Sync 88 0 127 0-based

The portions of this library that refer to specific devices may be owned by the devices' respective manufacturers. Everything else is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.