Novation Circuit MIDI CCs & NRPNs

MIDI implementation details for the Novation Circuit

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Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Polyphony Mode sysex patch address: 32 3 0 2 0-based 0: Mono; 1: Mono AG; 2: Poly
Portamento Rate sysex patch address: 33 5 0 127 0-based
Pre-Glide sysex patch address: 34 9 52 76 Centered
Keyboard Octave sysex patch address: 35 13 58 69 Centered 60: -4 Octaves; 64: 0 Octaves; 68: +4 Octaves


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
osc 1 wave sysex patch address: 36 19 0 29 0-based 0: Sine; 1: Triangle; 2: Sawtooth; 3: Saw 9-1 PW; 4: Saw 8-2 PW; 5: Saw 7-3 PW; 6: Saw 6-4 PW; 7: Saw 5-5 PW; 8: Saw 4-6 PW; 9: Saw 3-7 PW; 10: Saw 2-8 PW; 11: Saw 1-9 PW; 12: Pulse width; 13: Square; 14: Sine table; 15: Analogue pulse; 16: Analogue sync; 17: Triangle-saw blend; 18: Digital nasty 1; 19: Digital nasty 2; 20: Digital saw-square; 21: Digital vocal 1; 22: Digital vocal 2; 23: Digital vocal 3; 24: Digital vocal 4; 25: Digital vocal 5; 26: Digital vocal 6; 27: Random collection 1; 28: Random collection 2; 29: Random collection 3
osc 1 wave interpolate sysex patch address: 37 20 0 127 0-based
osc 1 pulse width index sysex patch address: 38 21 0 127 Centered
osc 1 virtual sync depth sysex patch address: 39 22 0 127 0-based
osc 1 density sysex patch address: 40 24 0 127 0-based
osc 1 density detune sysex patch address: 41 25 0 127 0-based
osc 1 semitones sysex patch address: 42 26 0 127 Centered
osc 1 cents sysex patch address: 43 27 0 127 Centered
osc 1 pitchbend sysex patch address: 44 28 52 76 Centered
osc 2 wave sysex patch address: 45 29 0 29 0-based 0: Sine; 1: Triangle; 2: Sawtooth; 3: Saw 9-1 PW; 4: Saw 8-2 PW; 5: Saw 7-3 PW; 6: Saw 6-4 PW; 7: Saw 5-5 PW; 8: Saw 4-6 PW; 9: Saw 3-7 PW; 10: Saw 2-8 PW; 11: Saw 1-9 PW; 12: Pulse width; 13: Square; 14: Sine table; 15: Analogue pulse; 16: Analogue sync; 17: Triangle-saw blend; 18: Digital nasty 1; 19: Digital nasty 2; 20: Digital saw-square; 21: Digital vocal 1; 22: Digital vocal 2; 23: Digital vocal 3; 24: Digital vocal 4; 25: Digital vocal 5; 26: Digital vocal 6; 27: Random collection 1; 28: Random collection 2; 29: Random collection 3
osc 2 wave interpolate sysex patch address: 46 30 0 127 0-based
osc 2 pulse width index sysex patch address: 47 31 0 127 Centered
osc 2 virtual sync depth sysex patch address: 48 33 0 127 0-based
osc 2 density sysex patch address: 49 35 0 127 0-based
osc 2 density detune sysex patch address: 50 36 0 127 0-based
osc 2 semitones sysex patch address: 51 37 0 127 Centered
osc 2 cents sysex patch address: 52 39 0 127 Centered
osc 2 pitchbend sysex patch address: 53 40 52 76 Centered


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
osc 1 level sysex patch address: 54 51 0 127 0-based
osc 2 level sysex patch address: 55 52 0 127 0-based
ring mod level sysex patch address: 56 54 0 127 0-based
noise level sysex patch address: 57 56 0 127 0-based
pre FX level sysex patch address: 58 58 52 82 Centered
post FX level sysex patch address: 59 59 52 82 Centered


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
routing sysex patch address: 60 60 0 2 0-based 0: Normal; 1: Osc 1 bypasses the filter; 2: Osc 1 + Osc 2 bypass the filter
drive sysex patch address: 61 63 0 127 0-based
drive type sysex patch address: 62 65 0 6 0-based 0: Diode; 1: Valve; 2: Clipper; 3: Cross-over; 4: Rectifier; 5: Bit reducer; 6: Rate reducer
type sysex patch address: 63 68 0 5 0-based 0: Low pass 12dB; 1: Low pass 24dB; 2: Band pass 6db-6dB; 3: Band pass 12db-12 dB; 4: High pass 12dB; 5: High pass 24dB
frequency sysex patch address: 64 74 0 127 0-based
tracking sysex patch address: 65 69 0 127 0-based
resonance sysex patch address: 66 71 0 127 0-based
Q normalise sysex patch address: 67 78 0 127 0-based
env 2 to frequency sysex patch address: 68 79 0 127 Centered


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
env 1 velocity sysex patch address: 69 108 0 127 Centered
env 1 attack sysex patch address: 70 73 0 127 0-based
env 1 decay sysex patch address: 71 75 0 127 0-based
env 1 sustain sysex patch address: 72 70 0 127 0-based
env 1 release sysex patch address: 73 72 0 127 0-based
env 2 velocity sysex patch address: 74 0 0 0 127 Centered
env 2 attack sysex patch address: 75 0 1 0 127 0-based
env 2 decay sysex patch address: 76 0 2 0 127 0-based
env 2 sustain sysex patch address: 77 0 3 0 127 0-based
env 2 release sysex patch address: 78 0 4 0 127 0-based
env 3 delay sysex patch address: 79 0 14 0 127 0-based
env 3 attack sysex patch address: 80 0 15 0 127 0-based
env 3 decay sysex patch address: 81 0 16 0 127 0-based
env 3 sustain sysex patch address: 82 0 17 0 127 0-based
env 3 release sysex patch address: 83 0 18 0 127 0-based


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
lfo 1 waveform sysex patch address: 84 0 70 0 37 0-based 0: Sine; 1: Triangle; 2: Sawtooth; 3: Square; 4: Random S/H; 5: Time S/H; 6: Piano envelope; 7: Sequence 1; 8: Sequence 2; 9: Sequence 3; 10: Sequence 4; 11: Sequence 5; 12: Sequence 6; 13: Sequence 7; 14: Alternative 1; 15: Alternative 2; 16: Alternative 3; 17: Alternative 4; 18: Alternative 5; 19: Alternative 6; 20: Alternative 7; 21: Alternative 8; 22: Chromatic; 23: Chromatic 16; 24: Major; 25: Major 7; 26: Minor 7; 27: Min arp 1; 28: Min arp 2; 29: Diminished; 30: Dec minor; 31: Minor 3rd; 32: Pedal; 33: 4ths; 34: 4ths x12; 35: 1625 maj; 36: 1625 min; 37: 2511
lfo 1 phase offset sysex patch address: 85 0 71 0 119 0-based
lfo 1 slew rate sysex patch address: 86 0 72 0 127 0-based
lfo 1 delay sysex patch address: 87 0 74 0 127 0-based
lfo 1 delay sync sysex patch address: 88 0 75 0 35 0-based
lfo 1 rate sysex patch address: 89 0 76 0 127 0-based
lfo 1 rate sync sysex patch address: 90 0 77 0 35 0-based
lfo 1 one shot sysex patch address: 91 0 122 12 13 0-based 12: Off; 13: On
lfo 1 key sync sysex patch address: 91 0 122 14 15 0-based 14: Off; 15: On
lfo 1 common sync sysex patch address: 91 0 122 16 17 0-based 16: Off; 17: On
lfo 1 delay trigger sysex patch address: 91 0 122 18 19 0-based 18: Off; 19: On
lfo 1 fade mode sysex patch address: 91 0 123 0 3 0-based 0: Fade in; 1: Fade out; 2: Gate in; 3: Gate out
lfo 2 waveform sysex patch address: 92 0 79 0 37 0-based 0: Sine; 1: Triangle; 2: Sawtooth; 3: Square; 4: Random S/H; 5: Time S/H; 6: Piano envelope; 7: Sequence 1; 8: Sequence 2; 9: Sequence 3; 10: Sequence 4; 11: Sequence 5; 12: Sequence 6; 13: Sequence 7; 14: Alternative 1; 15: Alternative 2; 16: Alternative 3; 17: Alternative 4; 18: Alternative 5; 19: Alternative 6; 20: Alternative 7; 21: Alternative 8; 22: Chromatic; 23: Chromatic 16; 24: Major; 25: Major 7; 26: Minor 7; 27: Min arp 1; 28: Min arp 2; 29: Diminished; 30: Dec minor; 31: Minor 3rd; 32: Pedal; 33: 4ths; 34: 4ths x12; 35: 1625 maj; 36: 1625 min; 37: 2511
lfo 2 phase offset sysex patch address: 93 0 80 0 119 0-based
lfo 2 slew rate sysex patch address: 94 0 81 0 127 0-based
lfo 2 delay sysex patch address: 95 0 83 0 127 0-based
lfo 2 delay sync sysex patch address: 96 0 84 0 35 0-based
lfo 2 rate sysex patch address: 97 0 85 0 127 0-based
lfo 2 rate sync sysex patch address: 98 0 86 0 35 0-based
lfo 2 one shot sysex patch address: 99 0 122 22 23 0-based 22: Off; 23: On
lfo 2 key sync sysex patch address: 99 0 122 24 25 0-based 24: Off; 25: On
lfo 2 common sync sysex patch address: 99 0 122 26 27 0-based 26: Off; 27: On
lfo 2 delay trigger sysex patch address: 99 0 122 28 29 0-based 28: Off; 29: On
lfo 2 fade mode sysex patch address: 99 0 123 4 7 0-based 0: Fade in; 1: Fade out; 2: Gate in; 3: Gate out

Effects and EQ

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
distortion level sysex patch address: 100 91 0 127 0-based
chorus level sysex patch address: 102 93 0 127 0-based
EQ bass frequency sysex patch address: 105 0 104 0 127 0-based
EQ bass level sysex patch address: 106 0 105 0 127 Centered
EQ mid frequency sysex patch address: 107 0 106 0 127 0-based
EQ mid level sysex patch address: 108 0 107 0 127 Centered
EQ treble frequency sysex patch address: 109 0 108 0 127 0-based
EQ treble level sysex patch address: 110 0 109 0 127 Centered
distortion type sysex patch address: 116 1 0 0 6 0-based 0: Diode; 1: Valve; 2: Clipper; 3: Cross-over; 4: Rectifier; 5: Bit reducer; 6: Rate reducer
distortion compensation sysex patch address: 117 1 1 0 127 0-based
chorus type sysex patch address: 118 1 24 0 1 0-based 0: Phaser; 1: Chorus
chorus rate sysex patch address: 119 1 25 0 127 0-based
chorus rate sync sysex patch address: 120 1 26 0 35 0-based
chorus feedback sysex patch address: 121 1 27 0 127 Centered
chorus mod depth sysex patch address: 122 1 28 0 127 0-based
chorus delay sysex patch address: 123 1 29 0 127 0-based

Mod Matrix

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
mod matrix 1 source 1 sysex patch address: 124 1 83 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 1 source 2 sysex patch address: 125 1 84 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: env 3
mod matrix 1 depth sysex patch address: 126 1 86 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 1 destination sysex patch address: 127 1 87 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 2 source 1 sysex patch address: 128 1 88 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 2 source 2 sysex patch address: 129 1 89 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 2 depth sysex patch address: 130 1 91 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 2 destination sysex patch address: 131 1 92 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 3 source 1 sysex patch address: 132 1 93 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 3 source 2 sysex patch address: 133 1 94 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 3 depth sysex patch address: 134 1 96 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 3 destination sysex patch address: 135 1 97 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 4 source 1 sysex patch address: 136 1 98 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 4 source 2 sysex patch address: 137 1 99 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 4 depth sysex patch address: 138 1 101 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 4 destination sysex patch address: 139 1 102 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 5 source 1 sysex patch address: 140 1 103 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 5 source 2 sysex patch address: 141 1 104 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 5 depth sysex patch address: 142 1 106 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 5 destination sysex patch address: 143 1 107 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 6 source 1 sysex patch address: 144 1 108 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 6 source 2 sysex patch address: 145 1 109 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 6 depth sysex patch address: 146 1 111 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 6 destination sysex patch address: 147 1 112 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 7 source 1 sysex patch address: 148 1 113 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 7 source 2 sysex patch address: 149 1 114 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 7 depth sysex patch address: 150 1 116 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 7 destination sysex patch address: 151 1 117 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 8 source 1 sysex patch address: 152 1 118 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 8 source 2 sysex patch address: 153 1 119 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 8 depth sysex patch address: 154 1 121 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 8 destination sysex patch address: 155 1 122 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 9 source 1 sysex patch address: 156 1 123 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 9 source 2 sysex patch address: 157 1 124 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 9 depth sysex patch address: 158 1 126 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 9 destination sysex patch address: 159 1 127 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 10 source 1 sysex patch address: 160 2 0 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 10 source 2 sysex patch address: 161 2 1 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 10 depth sysex patch address: 162 2 3 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 10 destination sysex patch address: 163 2 4 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 11 source 1 sysex patch address: 164 2 5 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 11 source 2 sysex patch address: 165 2 6 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 11 depth sysex patch address: 166 2 8 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 11 destination sysex patch address: 167 2 9 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 12 source 1 sysex patch address: 168 2 10 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 12 source 2 sysex patch address: 169 2 11 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 12 depth sysex patch address: 170 2 13 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 12 destination sysex patch address: 171 2 14 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 13 source 1 sysex patch address: 172 2 15 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 13 source 2 sysex patch address: 173 2 16 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 13 depth sysex patch address: 174 2 18 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 13 destination sysex patch address: 175 2 19 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 14 source 1 sysex patch address: 176 2 20 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 14 source 2 sysex patch address: 177 2 21 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 14 depth sysex patch address: 178 2 23 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 14 destination sysex patch address: 179 2 24 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 15 source 1 sysex patch address: 180 2 25 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 15 source 2 sysex patch address: 181 2 27 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 15 depth sysex patch address: 182 2 28 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 15 destination sysex patch address: 183 2 29 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 16 source 1 sysex patch address: 184 2 30 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 16 source 2 sysex patch address: 185 2 32 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 16 depth sysex patch address: 186 2 33 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 16 destination sysex patch address: 187 2 34 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 17 source 1 sysex patch address: 188 2 35 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 17 source 2 sysex patch address: 189 2 37 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 17 depth sysex patch address: 190 2 38 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 17 destination sysex patch address: 191 2 39 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 18 source 1 sysex patch address: 192 2 40 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 18 source 2 sysex patch address: 193 2 42 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 18 depth sysex patch address: 194 2 43 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 18 destination sysex patch address: 195 2 44 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 19 source 1 sysex patch address: 196 2 45 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 19 source 2 sysex patch address: 197 2 47 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 19 depth sysex patch address: 198 2 48 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 19 destination sysex patch address: 199 2 49 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay
mod matrix 20 source 1 sysex patch address: 200 2 50 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 20 source 2 sysex patch address: 201 2 52 0 12 0-based 0: Direct; 1: Modulation wheel; 2: After touch; 3: Expression; 4: Velocity; 5: Keyboard; 6: LFO 1 +; 7: LFO 1 +/-; 8: LFO 2 +; 9: LFO 2 +/-; 10: Env amp; 11: Env filter; 12: Env 3
mod matrix 20 depth sysex patch address: 202 2 53 0 127 Centered
mod matrix 20 destination sysex patch address: 203 2 54 0 17 0-based 0: Osc 1 & 2 pitch; 1: Osc 1 pitch; 2: Osc 2 pitch; 3: Osc 1 v-sync; 4: Osc 2 v-sync; 5: Osc 1 pulse width / index; 6: Osc 2 pulse width / index; 7: Osc 1 level; 8: Osc 2 level; 9: Noise level; 10: Ring modulation 1*2 level; 11: Filter drive amount; 12: Filter frequency; 13: Filter resonance; 14: LFO 1 rate; 15: LFO 2 rate; 16: Amp envelope decay; 17: Filter envelope decay

Macro Knob

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
macro knob 1 position sysex patch address: 204 80 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 destination A sysex patch address: 205 3 0 0 70 0-based
macro knob 1 start position A sysex patch address: 206 3 1 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 end position A sysex patch address: 207 3 2 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 depth A sysex patch address: 208 3 3 0 127 Centered
macro knob 1 destination B sysex patch address: 209 3 4 0 70 0-based
macro knob 1 start position B sysex patch address: 210 3 5 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 end position B sysex patch address: 211 3 6 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 depth B sysex patch address: 212 3 7 0 127 Centered
macro knob 1 destination C sysex patch address: 213 3 8 0 70 0-based
macro knob 1 start position C sysex patch address: 214 3 9 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 end position C sysex patch address: 215 3 10 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 depth C sysex patch address: 216 3 11 0 127 Centered
macro knob 1 destination D sysex patch address: 217 3 12 0 70 0-based
macro knob 1 start position D sysex patch address: 218 3 13 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 end position D sysex patch address: 219 3 14 0 127 0-based
macro knob 1 depth D sysex patch address: 220 3 15 0 127 Centered
macro knob 2 position sysex patch address: 221 81 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 destination A sysex patch address: 222 3 16 0 70 0-based
macro knob 2 start position A sysex patch address: 223 3 17 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 end position A sysex patch address: 224 3 18 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 depth A sysex patch address: 225 3 19 0 127 Centered
macro knob 2 destination B sysex patch address: 226 3 20 0 70 0-based
macro knob 2 start position B sysex patch address: 227 3 21 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 end position B sysex patch address: 228 3 22 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 depth B sysex patch address: 229 3 23 0 127 Centered
macro knob 2 destination C sysex patch address: 230 3 24 0 70 0-based
macro knob 2 start position C sysex patch address: 231 3 25 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 end position C sysex patch address: 232 3 26 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 depth C sysex patch address: 233 3 27 0 127 Centered
macro knob 2 destination D sysex patch address: 234 3 28 0 70 0-based
macro knob 2 start position D sysex patch address: 235 3 29 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 end position D sysex patch address: 236 3 30 0 127 0-based
macro knob 2 depth D sysex patch address: 237 3 31 0 127 Centered
macro knob 3 position sysex patch address: 238 82 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 destination A sysex patch address: 239 3 32 0 70 0-based
macro knob 3 start position A sysex patch address: 240 3 33 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 end position A sysex patch address: 241 3 34 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 depth A sysex patch address: 242 3 35 0 127 Centered
macro knob 3 destination B sysex patch address: 243 3 36 0 70 0-based
macro knob 3 start position B sysex patch address: 244 3 37 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 end position B sysex patch address: 245 3 38 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 depth B sysex patch address: 246 3 39 0 127 Centered
macro knob 3 destination C sysex patch address: 247 3 40 0 70 0-based
macro knob 3 start position C sysex patch address: 248 3 41 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 end position C sysex patch address: 249 3 42 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 depth C sysex patch address: 250 3 43 0 127 Centered
macro knob 3 destination D sysex patch address: 251 3 44 0 70 0-based
macro knob 3 start position D sysex patch address: 252 3 45 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 end position D sysex patch address: 253 3 46 0 127 0-based
macro knob 3 depth D sysex patch address: 254 3 47 0 127 Centered
macro knob 4 position sysex patch address: 255 83 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 destination A sysex patch address: 256 3 48 0 70 0-based
macro knob 4 start position A sysex patch address: 257 3 49 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 end position A sysex patch address: 258 3 50 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 depth A sysex patch address: 259 3 51 0 127 Centered
macro knob 4 destination B sysex patch address: 260 3 52 0 70 0-based
macro knob 4 start position B sysex patch address: 261 3 53 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 end position B sysex patch address: 262 3 54 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 depth B sysex patch address: 263 3 55 0 127 Centered
macro knob 4 destination C sysex patch address: 264 3 56 0 70 0-based
macro knob 4 start position C sysex patch address: 265 3 57 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 end position C sysex patch address: 266 3 58 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 depth C sysex patch address: 267 3 59 0 127 Centered
macro knob 4 destination D sysex patch address: 268 3 60 0 70 0-based
macro knob 4 start position D sysex patch address: 269 3 61 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 end position D sysex patch address: 270 3 62 0 127 0-based
macro knob 4 depth D sysex patch address: 271 3 63 0 127 Centered
macro knob 5 position sysex patch address: 272 84 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 destination A sysex patch address: 273 3 64 0 70 0-based
macro knob 5 start position A sysex patch address: 274 3 65 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 end position A sysex patch address: 275 3 66 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 depth A sysex patch address: 276 3 67 0 127 Centered
macro knob 5 destination B sysex patch address: 277 3 68 0 70 0-based
macro knob 5 start position B sysex patch address: 278 3 69 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 end position B sysex patch address: 279 3 70 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 depth B sysex patch address: 280 3 71 0 127 Centered
macro knob 5 destination C sysex patch address: 281 3 72 0 70 0-based
macro knob 5 start position C sysex patch address: 282 3 73 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 end position C sysex patch address: 283 3 74 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 depth C sysex patch address: 284 3 75 0 127 Centered
macro knob 5 destination D sysex patch address: 285 3 76 0 70 0-based
macro knob 5 start position D sysex patch address: 286 3 77 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 end position D sysex patch address: 287 3 78 0 127 0-based
macro knob 5 depth D sysex patch address: 288 3 79 0 127 Centered
macro knob 6 position sysex patch address: 289 85 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 destination A sysex patch address: 290 3 80 0 70 0-based
macro knob 6 start position A sysex patch address: 291 3 81 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 end position A sysex patch address: 292 3 82 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 depth A sysex patch address: 293 3 83 0 127 Centered
macro knob 6 destination B sysex patch address: 294 3 84 0 70 0-based
macro knob 6 start position B sysex patch address: 295 3 85 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 end position B sysex patch address: 296 3 86 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 depth B sysex patch address: 297 3 87 0 127 Centered
macro knob 6 destination C sysex patch address: 298 3 88 0 70 0-based
macro knob 6 start position C sysex patch address: 299 3 89 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 end position C sysex patch address: 300 3 90 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 depth C sysex patch address: 301 3 91 0 127 Centered
macro knob 6 destination D sysex patch address: 302 3 92 0 70 0-based
macro knob 6 start position D sysex patch address: 303 3 93 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 end position D sysex patch address: 304 3 94 0 127 0-based
macro knob 6 depth D sysex patch address: 305 3 95 0 127 Centered
macro knob 7 position sysex patch address: 306 86 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 destination A sysex patch address: 307 3 96 0 70 0-based
macro knob 7 start position A sysex patch address: 308 3 97 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 end position A sysex patch address: 309 3 98 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 depth A sysex patch address: 310 3 99 0 127 Centered
macro knob 7 destination B sysex patch address: 311 3 100 0 70 0-based
macro knob 7 start position B sysex patch address: 312 3 101 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 end position B sysex patch address: 313 3 102 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 depth B sysex patch address: 314 3 103 0 127 Centered
macro knob 7 destination C sysex patch address: 315 3 104 0 70 0-based
macro knob 7 start position C sysex patch address: 316 3 105 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 end position C sysex patch address: 317 3 106 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 depth C sysex patch address: 318 3 107 0 127 Centered
macro knob 7 destination D sysex patch address: 319 3 108 0 70 0-based
macro knob 7 start position D sysex patch address: 320 3 109 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 end position D sysex patch address: 321 3 110 0 127 0-based
macro knob 7 depth D sysex patch address: 322 3 111 0 127 Centered
macro knob 8 position sysex patch address: 323 87 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 destination A sysex patch address: 324 3 112 0 70 0-based
macro knob 8 start position A sysex patch address: 325 3 113 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 end position A sysex patch address: 326 3 114 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 depth A sysex patch address: 327 3 115 0 127 Centered
macro knob 8 destination B sysex patch address: 328 3 116 0 70 0-based
macro knob 8 start position B sysex patch address: 329 3 117 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 end position B sysex patch address: 330 3 118 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 depth B sysex patch address: 331 3 119 0 127 Centered
macro knob 8 destination C sysex patch address: 332 3 120 0 70 0-based
macro knob 8 start position C sysex patch address: 333 3 121 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 end position C sysex patch address: 334 3 122 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 depth C sysex patch address: 335 3 123 0 127 Centered
macro knob 8 destination D sysex patch address: 336 3 124 0 70 0-based
macro knob 8 start position D sysex patch address: 337 3 125 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 end position D sysex patch address: 338 3 126 0 127 0-based
macro knob 8 depth D sysex patch address: 339 3 127 0 127 Centered

The portions of this library that refer to specific devices may be owned by the devices' respective manufacturers. Everything else is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.