Moog Muse MIDI CCs & NRPNs

MIDI implementation details for the Moog Muse

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Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Mod Wheel The modulation wheel is typically used to control the amount of modulation in a patch 1 0 127 0-based The mod wheel can be freely assigned as both modulation source and modulation controller via the assignable controllers section and the mod map
Mute Clickless muting of Muse's MAIN OUT signal 3 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Glide Time Increasing the glide control will increase the amount of time it takes to move from one note to the next, creating a portamento effect 5 0 127 0-based
Timbre Volume Volume control for the currently active timbre (A/B) before it reaches the voice summing busses 7 0 127 0-based
Low Cut 8 0 127 0-based
Pan Spread Spreads allocated voices apart giving a wider feel to the stereo image 9 0 127 0-based
Pan Bipolar control for manual adjustment of the pan-position of the currently active timbre (A/B) in the stereo field 10 0 127 0-based
Expression 11 0 127 0-based
LFO 1 Rate Controls the frequency of LFO 1 12 0 127 0-based The range of this knob defaults to 0.01 Hz–40.00 Hz but has a maximum range of 0.00 Hz – 1.00 kHz (configurable in MORE menu)
LFO 1 Amount 13 0 127 0-based
LFO 1 Waveform Selects the wave shape of LFO 1 14 0 127 0-based 0-24: Triangle; 25-49: Saw; 50-74: Square; 75-99: Random; 100-127: User Wave
LFO 2 Rate Controls the frequency of LFO 2 15 0 127 0-based The range of this knob defaults to 0.01 Hz–40.00 Hz but has a maximum range of 0.00 Hz – 1.00 kHz (configurable in MORE menu)
LFO 2 Amount 16 0 127 0-based
LFO 2 Waveform Selects the wave shape of LFO 2 17 0 127 0-based 0-24: Triangle; 25-49: Saw; 50-74: Square; 75-99: Random; 100-127: User Wave
Pitch LFO Rate Control the frequency of the PITCH LFO 18 0 127 0-based The range of this knob defaults to 0.01 Hz–40.00 Hz but has a maximum range of 0.00 Hz – 1.00 kHz (configurable in MORE menu)
Pitch LFO Shape Bipolar control adjusting the angle of the PITCH LFO's waveform 19 0 127 0-based At noon the waveform is a symmetrical triangle wave. Adjusting shape shifts the triangle's rise and fall times, becoming a sawtooth wave when fully counterclockwise and a ramp wave when fully clockwise
Pitch LFO Amount Bipolar control over the depth of the PITCH LFO's modulation of its hardwired destinations 20 0 127 0-based When set to noon the amount knob will yield no modulation. Adjusting the knob clockwise from noon will result in positive modulation of the destination while adjusting the knob counterclockwise from noon will result in inverted modulation of the destination
Pitch LFO OSC 1 Routes the PITCH LFO to modulate OSCILLATOR 1 when engaged 21 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Pitch LFO OSC 2 Routes the PITCH LFO to modulate OSCILLATOR 2 when engaged 22 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Pitch LFO Mod OSC Routes the PITCH LFO to modulate the MODULATION OSCILLATOR when engaged 23 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Pitch LFO Detune Routes the PITCH LFO to modulate the DETUNE knob in the VOICE CONTROL section when engaged 24 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Modulation Oscillator Frequency Controls the frequency of the modulation oscillator 25 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator Audio Sets the modulation oscillator to operate at audio-rate frequencies 26 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Modulation Oscillator KB Track Enables keyboard control of the frequency of the modulation oscillator 27 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Modulation Oscillator Waveform Selects the waveform of the modulation oscillator 28 0 127 0-based 0-24: Sine; 25-49: Sawtooth; 50-74: Ramp; 75-99: Square; 100-127: Noise
Modulation Oscillator KB Reset Resets the LFO to its starting point in its wave cycle every time a key is pressed 29 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Modulation Oscillator Unipolar Enabled unipolar mode for the modulation oscillator 30 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Modulation Oscillator Pitch Amount Determines the depth at which frequency modulation of the oscillator section occurs based on the OSC 1 and OSC 2 routing buttons 31 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator Pitch OSC 1 Enables frequency modulation of OSC 1 via the modulation oscillator 33 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator Pitch OSC 2 Enables frequency modulation of OSC 2 via the modulation oscillator 34 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator PWM Amount Determines the depth at which pulse width modulation of the oscillator section occurs based on the OSC 1 and OSC 2 routing buttons 35 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator PWM OSC 1 Enables modulation of the duty cycle of the OSC 1 pulse/square waveshape via the modulation oscillator 36 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator PWM OSC 2 Enables modulation of the duty cycle of the OSC 2 pulse/square waveshape via the modulation oscillator 37 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator Filter Amount Determines the depth at which cutoff frequency modulation of the filter section occurs based on the FILTER 1 and FILTER 2 routing buttons 39 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator Filter 1 Enables cutoff frequency modulation of FILTER 1 via the modulation oscillator 40 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator Filter 2 Enables cutoff frequency modulation of FILTER 2 via the modulation oscillator 41 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator VCA Amount Determines the depth at which the MODULATION OSCILLATOR will modulate the amplitude of the VCA, providing a tremolo effect 42 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator VCA PAN Enables pan-position modulation of a voice in the stereo field by inverting the phase of the modulation oscillator sent to the right VCA 43 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 1 Octave Selects the octave for OSC 1 44 0 127 0-based The OCTAVE options are 16', 8', 4' and 2' - a standard based around classic pipe organ stop footage settings. 0-31: 16'; 32-63: 8'; 64-95: 4'; 96-127: 2'
Oscillator 1 Frequency Detunes OSC 1 from the pitch associated with a keyboard note 45 0 127 0-based The FREQUENCY knob is a bipolar control, and when set to noon will be in tune with the keyboard note (if a C is pressed, a C will sound based on the OCTAVE setting). Turning the knob clockwise will increase the pitch of the oscillator up to a perfect fifth (+7 semitones) and turning the knob counter-clockwise will decrease the pitch of the oscillator down to a perfect fifth below the note (-7 semitones)
Oscillator 1 Tri/Saw Mix 46 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 1 PW 47 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 1 Wave Mix 48 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 2 Octave Selects the octave for OSC 2 49 0 127 0-based The OCTAVE options are 16', 8', 4' and 2' - a standard based around classic pipe organ stop footage settings. 0-31: 16'; 32-63: 8'; 64-95: 4'; 96-127: 2'
Oscillator 2 Frequency Detunes OSC 2 from the pitch associated with a keyboard note 50 0 127 0-based The FREQUENCY knob is a bipolar control, and when set to noon will be in tune with the keyboard note (if a C is pressed, a C will sound based on the OCTAVE setting). Turning the knob clockwise will increase the pitch of the oscillator up to a perfect fifth (+7 semitones) and turning the knob counter-clockwise will decrease the pitch of the oscillator down to a perfect fifth below the note (-7 semitones)
Oscillator 2 Tri/Saw Mix 51 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 2 PW 52 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 2 Wave Mix 53 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 2>1 SYNC 54 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Oscillator 2>1 FM 55 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Oscillator 1>2 FM 56 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
FM Amount 57 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 1 Level 58 0 127 0-based
Oscillator 2 Level 59 0 127 0-based
Ring Mod Level 60 0 127 0-based
Modulation Oscillator Level 61 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 62 0 127 0-based
Sustain Pedal 64 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Clipping Level 65 0 127 0-based
Filter 1 High Pass 66 0 127 0-based
Filter 1 Cutoff 67 0 127 0-based
Filter 1 Resonance 68 0 127 0-based
Filter 1 Envelope Amount 69 0 127 0-based
Filter 1 KB Tracking 70 0 127 0-based 0-42: Off; 43-84: Half; 85-127: Full
Hold 71 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Filter 2 Frequency 72 0 127 0-based
Filter 2 Resonance 73 0 127 0-based
Filter 2 Envelope Amount 75 0 127 0-based
Filter 2 KB Tracking 76 0 127 0-based 0-42: Off; 43-84: Half; 85-127: Full
Link Filters 77 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Filters Order 78 0 127 0-based 0-42: Serial; 43-84: Stereo; 85-127: Parallel
Filter Env Attack 79 0 127 0-based
Filter Env Sustain 80 0 127 0-based
Filter Env Delay 81 0 127 0-based
Filter Env Release 82 0 127 0-based
Filter Env Loop 83 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Filter Env Velocity 85 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
VCA Env Attack 86 0 127 0-based
VCA Env Sustain 87 0 127 0-based
VCA Env Delay 88 0 127 0-based
VCA Env Release 89 0 127 0-based
VCA Env Loop 90 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
VCA Env Velocity 91 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Voice Detune 92 0 127 0-based
Delay Time Left 93 0 127 0-based
Delay Time Right 94 0 127 0-based
Link Delays 95 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Delay Clock Sync 102 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Delay Feedback 103 0 127 0-based
Delay Character 104 0 127 0-based
Delay Mix 105 0 127 0-based
Delay Timbre A 106 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Delay Timbre B 107 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Voice Unison 108 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Voice Mono 109 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Sequencer Clock Div 110 0 127 0-based
Arpeggiator Clock Div 111 0 127 0-based
Arpeggiator On/Off 112 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Arpeggiator FW/BK 113 0 127 0-based 0-63: Off; 64-127: On
Arpeggiator Direction 114 0 127 0-based 0-42: Order; 43-84: Pattern; 85-127: Random
Arpeggiator Octave Range 115 0 127 0-based 0-31: 1; 32-63: 2; 64-95: 3; 96-127: 4
Clock Tempo 116 0 127 0-based

The portions of this library that refer to specific devices may be owned by the devices' respective manufacturers. Everything else is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.