Elektron Analog Rytm MKII MIDI CCs & NRPNs

MIDI implementation details for the Elektron Analog Rytm MKII

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Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Note 3 36 84 3 0 36 84 0-based
Velocity 4 1 127 3 1 1 127 0-based
Length 5 0 127 3 2 0 127 0-based
Synth Trig 11 0 1 3 3 0 1 0-based 0: Off; 1: On
Sample Trig 12 0 1 3 4 0 1 0-based 0: Off; 1: On
Env Trig 13 0 1 3 5 0 1 0-based 0: Off; 1: On
LFO Trig 14 0 1 3 6 0 1 0-based 0: Off; 1: On


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Track Level 95 0 127 1 100 0 127 0-based
Track Mute (seq. mute) 94 0 1 1 101 0 1 0-based 0: Unmute; 1: Mute
Track Solo (seq. mute) 93 0 1 1 102 0 1 0-based 0: Unsolo; 1: Solo
Track Machine Type 15 1 33 1 103 1 33 0-based 1: BD Classic; 13: BD FM; 21: BD Plastic; 22: BD Silky; 26: BD Sharp; 30: BD Accoustic; 28: SY Dual VCO; 29: SY Chip; 32: SY Raw; 2: SD Hard; 3: SD Classic; 14: SD FM; 23: SD Natural; 31: SD Accoustic; 15: UT Noise; 16: UT Impulse; 27: Disable; 4: RS Hard; 5: RS Hard; 6: CP Classic; 7: BT Classic; 8: XT Classic; 9: CH Classic; 17: CH Metallic; 10: OH Classic; 18: OH Metallic; 24: HH Basic; 33: HH Lab; 11: CY Classic; 19: CY Metallic; 25: CY Ride; 12: CB Classic; 20: CB Metallic
Active Scene 92 0 127 1 104 0 127 0-based


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Performance Parameter 1 35 0 127 0 0 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 2 36 0 127 0 1 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 3 37 0 127 0 2 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 4 39 0 127 0 3 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 5 40 0 127 0 4 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 6 41 0 127 0 5 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 7 42 0 127 0 6 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 8 43 0 127 0 7 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 9 44 0 127 0 8 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 10 45 0 127 0 9 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 11 46 0 127 0 10 0 127 0-based
Performance Parameter 12 47 0 127 0 11 0 127 0-based

Synth: General

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Synth Parameter 1 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based
Synth Parameter 2 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 0-based
Synth Parameter 3 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Synth Parameter 4 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Synth Parameter 5 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Synth Parameter 6 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Synth Parameter 7 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Synth Parameter 8 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Sample Tune 24 40 88 1 8 40 88 Centered
Sample Fine Tune 25 0 127 1 9 0 127 Centered
Sample Bit Reduction 26 0 127 1 10 0 127 0-based
Sample Slot 27 0 127 1 11 0 127 0-based 0: Off; 1~127: Sample
Sample Start 28 0 120 1 12 0 120 0-based
Sample End 29 0 120 1 13 0 120 0-based
Sample Loop 30 0 1 1 14 0 1 0-based 0: Off; 1: On
Sample Level 31 0 127 1 15 0 127 0-based


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Filter Attack Time 70 0 127 1 16 0 127 0-based
Filter Decay Time 71 0 127 1 17 0 127 0-based
Filter Sustain Level 72 0 127 1 18 0 127 0-based
Filter Release Time 73 0 127 1 19 0 127 0-based
Filter Frequency 74 0 127 1 20 0 127 0-based
Filter Resonance 75 0 127 1 21 0 127 0-based
Filter Type 76 0 6 1 22 0 6 0-based 0: 2-pole Lowpass; 1: 1-pole Lowpass; 2: Bandpass; 3: 1-pole Highpass; 4: 2-pole Highpass; 5: Bandstop; 6: Peak
Filter Env Depth 77 0 127 1 23 0 127 Centered


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Amp Attack Time 78 0 127 1 24 0 127 0-based
Amp Hold Time 79 0 127 1 25 0 127 0-based
Amp Decay Time 80 0 127 1 26 0 127 0-based
Amp Overdrive 81 0 127 1 27 0 127 0-based
Amp Delay Send 82 0 127 1 28 0 127 0-based
Amp Reverb Send 83 0 127 1 29 0 127 0-based
Amp Pan 10 0 127 1 30 0 127 Centered
Amp Volume 7 0 127 1 31 0 127 0-based


Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
LFO Speed 102 0 127 1 32 0 127 0-based
LFO Multiplier 103 0 23 1 33 0 23 0-based
LFO Fade In/Out 104 0 127 1 34 0 127 0-based
LFO Destination 105 0 41 1 35 0 41 0-based
LFO Waveform 106 0 6 1 36 0 6 0-based 0: Triangle; 1: Sine; 2: Square; 3: Sawtooth
LFO Start Phase 107 0 127 1 37 0 127 0-based
LFO Trig Mode 108 0 4 1 38 0 4 0-based 0: Free; 1: Trig; 2: Hold; 3: One; 4: Half
LFO Depth 109 118 0 127 1 39 0 127 Centered

FX: Delay

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Delay Time 16 0 127 2 0 0 127 0-based
Delay Pingpong 17 0 1 2 1 0 1 0-based 0: Off; 1: On
Delay Stereo Width 18 0 127 2 2 0 127 Centered
Delay Feedback 19 0 127 2 3 0 127 0-based
Delay Highpass Filter 20 0 127 2 4 0 127 0-based
Delay Lowpass Filter 21 0 127 2 5 0 127 0-based
Delay Reverb Send 22 0 127 2 6 0 127 0-based
Delay Mix Volume 23 0 127 2 7 0 127 0-based

FX: Reverb

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Reverb Predelay 24 0 127 2 8 0 127 0-based
Reverb Decay Time 25 0 127 2 9 0 127 0-based
Reverb Shelving Frequency 26 0 127 2 10 0 127 0-based
Reverb Shelving Gain 27 0 127 2 11 0 127 0-based
Reverb Highpass Filter 28 0 127 2 12 0 127 0-based
Reverb Lowpass Filter 29 0 127 2 13 0 127 0-based
Reverb Mix Volume 31 0 127 2 15 0 127 0-based

FX: Distortion

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Distortion Amount 70 0 127 2 16 0 127 0-based
Distortion Symmetry 71 0 127 2 17 0 127 0-based
Distortion Overdrive 72 0 127 2 18 0 127 0-based
Delay Dist/Comp Routing 76 0 1 2 22 0 1 0-based 0: Pre; 1: Post
Reverb Dist/Comp Routing 77 0 1 2 23 0 1 0-based 0: Pre; 1: Post

FX: Compressor

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Compressor Threshold 78 0 127 2 24 0 127 0-based
Compressor Attack Time 79 0 6 2 25 0 6 0-based
Compressor Release Time 80 0 7 2 26 0 7 0-based
Compressor Makeup Gain 81 0 127 2 27 0 127 0-based
Compressor Ratio 82 0 3 2 28 0 3 0-based 0: 1:2; 1: 1:4; 2: 1:8; 3: Max
Compressor Sidechain EQ 83 0 3 2 29 0 3 0-based 0: Off; 1: LPF; 2: HPF; 3: Hit
Compressor Dry/Wet Mix 84 0 127 2 30 0 127 0-based
Compressor Output Volume 85 0 127 2 31 0 127 0-based

Synth: BD Plastic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Sweep Depth 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Decay Time 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Modulation Type 21 0 1 1 5 0 1 0-based 0: A; 1: B
Modulation Level 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Tick Level 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: BD Sharp

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Sweep Depth 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Hold Time 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Tick Level 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Waveform 23 0 4 1 7 0 4 0-based 0: Sine; 1: Asymmetric Sine; 2: Triangle; 3: Sinetooth; 4: Sawtooth
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: BD Hard

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Depth 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Waveform 22 0 2 1 6 0 2 0-based 0: Sine; 1: Asymmetric Sine; 2: Triangle
Hold 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Transient Tick 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: BD Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Depth 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Waveform 22 0 3 1 6 0 3 0-based 0: Sine; 1: Asymmetric Sine; 2: Triangle
Hold 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Transient Tick 23 0 55 1 7 0 55 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: BD FM

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
FM Decay Time 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
FM Tune 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
FM Sweep Time 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
FM Amount 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: BD Silky

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Sweep Depth 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Hold 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Dust Level 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
VCO Click 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: SD Natural

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Noise Decay 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Noise Balance 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Body Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Noise HPF 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Noise LPF 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Noise Resonance 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: SD Hard

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Time 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Sweep Depth 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Tick Level 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Noise Decay 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: SD Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Detune 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Osc Balance 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Snap Amount 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Noise Decay 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: SD FM

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
FM Tune 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 Centered
FM Decay Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
FM Amount 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Noise Decay 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: RS Hard

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Sweep Time 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Sweep Depth 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Symmetry 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Tick Level 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: RS Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune Osc 1 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Tune Osc 2 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 Centered
Osc Balance 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 Centered
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Symmetry 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 Centered
Tick Level 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CP Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Clap Rate 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Clap Number 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Random Claps 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Clap Decay 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Noise Tone 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 0-based
Noise Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: Dual VCO

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Osc 1 Tune 17 0 127 Centered
Osc 2 Detune 20 0 127 Centered
Osc 1 Decay 18 0 127 0-based
Osc 2 Decay 22 0 127 0-based
Osc Config 21 0 79 0-based 0: Sine + Sine -; 1: Sine + Sine; 2: Sine + Skewed Sine -; 3: Sine + Skewed Sine; 4: Sine + Triangle -; 5: Sine + Triangle; 6: Sine + Sinesaw -; 7: Sine + Sinesaw; 8: Sine + Saw -; 9: Sine + Saw; 10: Sine R Sine -; 11: Sine R Sine; 12: Sine R Skewed Sine -; 13: Sine R Skewed Sine; 14: Sine R Triangle -; 15: Sine R Triangle; 16: Sine R Sinesaw -; 17: Sine R Sinesaw; 18: Sine R Saw -; 19: Sine R Saw; 20: Sine F Sine -; 21: Sine F Sine; 22: Sine F Skewed Sine -; 23: Sine F Skewed Sine; 24: Sine F Triangle -; 25: Sine F Triangle; 26: Sine F Sinesaw -; 27: Sine F Sinesaw; 28: Sine F Saw -; 29: Sine F Saw; 30: Sine FR Sine -; 31: Sine FR Sine; 32: Sine FR Skewed Sine -; 33: Sine FR Skewed Sine; 34: Sine FR Triangle -; 35: Sine FR Triangle; 36: Sine FR Sinesaw -; 37: Sine FR Sinesaw; 38: Sine FR Saw -; 39: Sine FR Saw; 40: Sinesaw + Sine -; 41: Sinesaw + Sine; 42: Sinesaw + Skewed Sine -; 43: Sinesaw + Skewed Sine; 44: Sinesaw + Triangle -; 45: Sinesaw + Triangle; 46: Sinesaw + Sinesaw -; 47: Sinesaw + Sinesaw; 48: Sinesaw + Saw -; 49: Sinesaw + Saw; 50: Sinesaw R Sine -; 51: Sinesaw R Sine; 52: Sinesaw R Skewed Sine -; 53: Sinesaw R Skewed Sine; 54: Sinesaw R Triangle -; 55: Sinesaw R Triangle; 56: Sinesaw R Sinesaw -; 57: Sinesaw R Sinesaw; 58: Sinesaw R Saw -; 59: Sinesaw R Saw; 60: Sinesaw F Sine -; 61: Sinesaw F Sine; 62: Sinesaw F Skewed Sine -; 63: Sinesaw F Skewed Sine; 64: Sinesaw F Triangle -; 65: Sinesaw F Triangle; 66: Sinesaw F Sinesaw -; 67: Sinesaw F Sinesaw; 68: Sinesaw F Saw -; 69: Sinesaw F Saw; 70: Sinesaw FR Sine -; 71: Sinesaw FR Sine; 72: Sinesaw FR Skewed Sine -; 73: Sinesaw FR Skewed Sine; 74: Sinesaw FR Triangle -; 75: Sinesaw FR Triangle; 76: Sinesaw FR Sinesaw -; 77: Sinesaw FR Sinesaw; 78: Sinesaw FR Saw -; 79: Sinesaw FR Saw
Bend 23 0 127 Centered
Balance 19 0 127 Centered
Level 16 0 127 0-based

Synth: BT Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Snap 21 0 3 1 5 0 3 0-based
Noise Level 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: XT classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered

Synth: XT Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Sweep Depth 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Noise Tone 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 Centered
Noise Decay 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Noise Level 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CH Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Color 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CH Metallic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Decay Time 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: OH Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Noise Color 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 Centered
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: OH Metallic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Decay Time 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: HH Basic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Tone 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 Centered
Transient Decay 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Osc Reset 21 0 1 1 5 0 1 0-based 0: Off; 1: On
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CY Metallic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Tone 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 Centered
Transient Decay 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CY Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Tone 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 Centered
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Color 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 Centered
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CY Ride

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Cymbal Type 20 0 3 1 4 0 3 0-based 0: A; 1: B; 2: C; 3: D
Hit Decay 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Tail Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Component 1 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Component 2 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Component 3 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CB Classic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Decay Time 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Detune 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: CB Metallic

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Tune 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 Centered
Decay Time 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Detune 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: Noise

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
LP Frequency 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 0-based
LP Resonance 21 0 127 1 5 0 127 0-based
Attack 23 0 127 1 7 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based 0-126: Time; 127: Infinite
HP Frequency 22 0 127 1 6 0 127 0-based
Sweep Depth 19 0 127 1 3 0 127 Centered
Sweep Time 20 0 127 1 4 0 127 0-based
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

Synth: Impulse

Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Attack 17 0 127 1 1 0 127 0-based
Decay 18 0 127 1 2 0 127 0-based
Polarity 19 0 1 1 3 0 1 0-based 0: Positive; 1: Negative
Level 16 0 127 1 0 0 127 0-based

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