Conductive Labs NDLR MIDI CCs & NRPNs

MIDI implementation details for the Conductive Labs NDLR

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Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Chorddeg 26 0 127 0-based
Chordtyp 27 0 127 0-based
Padpos 28 0 127 0-based
Padstrum 29 0 127 0-based
Pasrange 30 0 127 0-based
Pansprd 31 0 127 0-based
Dronepos 32 0 127 0-based
Dronetyp 33 0 127 0-based
Dronetrg 34 0 127 0-based
MOT1 POS 35 0 127 0-based
MOT1 LGH 36 0 127 0-based
MOT1 VAR 37 0 127 0-based
MOT1 Ptrn 38 0 127 0-based
MOT1 DIV 39 0 127 0-based
MOT1 Beat 40 0 127 0-based
MOT1 Acct 41 0 127 0-based
MOT1 RTM 42 0 127 0-based
MOT2 POS 43 0 127 0-based
MOT2 LGH 48 0 127 0-based
MOT2 VAR 45 0 127 0-based
MOT2 Ptrn 46 0 127 0-based
MOT2 DIV 47 0 127 0-based
MOT2 Acct 49 0 127 0-based
MOT2 Rytm 50 0 127 0-based
Padch 51 0 127 0-based
Dronech 52 0 127 0-based
MOT1 CH 53 0 127 0-based
MOT2 CH 54 0 127 0-based
Miditrp 56 0 127 0-based
Blkkeys 57 0 127 0-based
Strtstop 58 0 127 0-based
Humanize 59 0 127 0-based
Clockppq 61 0 127 0-based
Clockdiv 62 0 127 0-based
Padveloc 63 0 127 0-based
MOT1 VEL 64 0 127 0-based
MOT2 VEL 65 0 127 0-based
Motlowvl 66 0 127 0-based
Polychn 67 0 127 0-based
Clockin 68 0 127 0-based
Chordinv 69 0 127 0-based
Padquant 70 0 127 0-based
Volca 71 0 127 0-based
KEY 73 0 127 0-based
Scale 74 0 127 0-based
Tempo 75 0 127 0-based
Padplay 85 0 127 0-based
Dronplay 86 0 127 0-based
MOT1 Play 87 0 127 0-based
MOT2 Play 88 0 127 0-based

The portions of this library that refer to specific devices may be owned by the devices' respective manufacturers. Everything else is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.