Audiothingies Doctor A MIDI CCs & NRPNs

MIDI implementation details for the Audiothingies Doctor A

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Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
Delay Time 12 0 127 0-based
Delay Feedback 13 0 127 0-based
Delay Modulation 14 0 127 0-based
Delay Level 15 0 127 0-based
Delay HPF 16 0 127 0-based
Delay LPF 17 0 127 0-based
Reverb Delay Level 18 0 127 0-based
Reverb HPF 19 0 127 0-based
Reverb LPF 20 0 127 0-based
Reverb Predelay 21 0 127 0-based
Reverb Decay 22 0 127 0-based
Reverb Modulation 23 0 127 0-based
Reverb Level 24 0 127 0-based
Delay Ping Pong L R Offset 25 0 127 0-based
Delay MOD Speed 26 0 127 0-based
Delay TAP Tempo 64 0 127 0-based
Delay OFF ON Absolute 102 0 127 0-based
Reverb OFF ON Absolute 103 0 127 0-based
Delay OFF ON Alternate 104 0 127 0-based
Reverb OFF ON Alternate 105 0 127 0-based

The portions of this library that refer to specific devices may be owned by the devices' respective manufacturers. Everything else is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.