Arturia Minifreak MIDI CCs & NRPNs

MIDI implementation details for the Arturia Minifreak

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Parameter Description CC MSB CC LSB CC min CC max NRPN MSB NRPN LSB NRPN min NRPN max Orientation Notes Usage
MOD Wheel 1 0 127 0-based
Sustain Pedal 64 0 127 0-based
Glide 5 0 127 0-based
Tune1 70 0 127 0-based
Wave1 14 0 127 0-based
Timbre1 15 0 127 0-based
Shape1 16 0 127 0-based
Volume1 17 0 127 0-based
Tune2 73 0 127 0-based
Wave2 18 0 127 0-based
Timbre2 19 0 127 0-based
Shape2 20 0 127 0-based
Volume2 21 0 127 0-based
Filter Cutoff 74 0 127 0-based
Resonance 71 0 127 0-based
VCF ENV Amount 24 0 127 0-based
Velocity Envelope MOD 94 0 127 0-based
CYC ENV Rise Shape 68 0 127 0-based
CYC ENV Rise 76 0 127 0-based
CYC ENV Fall 77 0 127 0-based
CYC ENV Hold 78 0 127 0-based
CYC ENV Fall Shape 69 0 127 0-based
ENV Attack 80 0 127 0-based
ENV Decay 81 0 127 0-based
ENV Sustain 82 0 127 0-based
ENV Release 83 0 127 0-based
LFO1 Rate 85 0 127 0-based
LFO2 Rate 87 0 127 0-based
FX1 Time 22 0 127 0-based
FX1 Intensity 23 0 127 0-based
FX1 Amount 25 0 127 0-based
FX2 Time 26 0 127 0-based
FX2 Intensity 27 0 127 0-based
FX2 Amount 28 0 127 0-based
FX3 Time 29 0 127 0-based
FX3 Intensity 30 0 127 0-based
FX3 Amount 31 0 127 0-based
SEQ Gate 115 0 127 0-based
SEQ Spice 116 0 127 0-based
Macro1 117 0 127 0-based
Macro2 118 0 127 0-based

The portions of this library that refer to specific devices may be owned by the devices' respective manufacturers. Everything else is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.